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If one function undoes what the other does, then we want to suggest that it has been proven that one untruth is followed by many more, when considering data and the economy of things, honesty is key! We have in fact uncovered shocking discovery on Wall Street, and we are days out from matters unfolding, unless provided there is more cheating lies and deceit. Ignoring facts is not a mistake, that is negligence. We have CEO's violating their fiduciary duty and when the d/dx turns, there will be only one solution to the set (see
If f(x) = 2x + cos x then it was formally suggested that f^-1'(1) = 1/1; =(-1) but after such a proof has been performed, which has not been proven since the beginning of time, as of today the solution gives 1/0, which currently undoes any previous proof of all things constant, and now we turn a new instance to millennial mathematics.
We have the solution, but we will not release the information without compensation. If in fact Wall Street keeps giving false information and relating false hope each day, then there will in fact explicitly be an angle of depression which has not been experienced since the beginning of Wall Street.
We conclude, that revenue in numbers must be mapped in the opposite direction moving forward, we can not have it both ways, you can not have thousands of people being laid off, and the stock market "doing just fine." We can not have people not going to work, and sales at the zero mark and "everything is just fine" that is a misappropriation of financial data. If such a proof as 1/0 has been preformed then, revenue in numbers is possible to reach sufficiently with a substantiated matter of evidence submitted in detail.
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